Monday: 4 miles (9:13), 3.62 miles (8:56), 1.5 miles (9:27).
Tuesday: 4 miles (9:23), 4 miles (9:23), 3 miles (9:34). Felt like I was having some back/breathing issues, not sure if related.
Wednesday: 3 miles (9:04), 4.37 miles (8:21), 2.35 miles (9:35). After a 3 mile warmup, ran 12 x (1:30 on/off) with the fast portion around 7:15 pace.
Thursday: 3 miles (9:24). Short run before traveling to Sonoma, CA.
Friday: 6 miles (9:33). Ran the last 4 miles with a group from Marathon Tours.
Saturday: 4 miles (9:29).
Sunday: 1.15 miles (9:23), 13.1 miles (8:01). Ran the Napa to Sonoma half marathon. Ran too fast on the first mile with the big hill and never really recovered to finish in 1:44:52. It was a little warmer than expected, but I should have been faster. A bit of a disappoinment and targeting the PR at this race all year.
Total miles: 53.1. A low mileage week with the taper for the race. I also missed some miles when I cut the short run on Tuesday with back and breathing issues and it took too long to get to Sonoma on Thursday so I missed a second run.
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