Monday, March 16, 2015

March 9 - 15 Training

Monday: 3 miles (9:27), 4 miles (9:21).
Tuesday: 8 miles (9:16).
Wednesday: 10 miles (8:56). 2 mile warm up then 6 x Half Mile Hill repeats up Big Station Camp Road with a jog down hill,  2 mile cooldown.
Thursday: 8 miles (9:29).
Friday: 3 miles (9:35), 4 miles (9:30).  Woke up with the top of the left foot sore - extensor tendonitis.
Saturday: 4 miles (9:08), 4 miles (9:21).
Sunday: 22 miles (8:56). Longest training run ever for both time (3:16:18) and distance (22 miles).  I was feeling the top of the left foot for about 1-2 miles, then it felt fine, so I was able to go the full distance.

Total miles: 70 miles.  First 70 mile week since November.  It was frustrating to come down with another injury, but hoping I can run through it.  Icing it on/off every 20 minutes and doing some exercises to keep it moving.

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