Tuesday: 6 miles (9:27), 3 miles (9:25).
Wednesday: 13.1 miles (8:24). Two mile warmup followed by a 10 mile tempo progression from 8:15 to 8:00, 1.1 mile cool down to make it a 1:49:49 half marathon.
Thursday: 8 miles (9:22).
Friday: 6 miles (9:38).
Saturday: 20 miles (8:53). A tough hilly route from White House HS to Station Camp HS. A good group from HRC ran this, some heading straight to SCHS when we reached Long Hollow.
Sunday: 4 miles (9:42), 4 miles (9:39).
Total miles: 70.1 miles. A pretty good week considering I'm dealing with extensor tendinitis. I had dry needling on Thursday and will have it again on Tuesday.
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