Monday: 4 miles (9:31). Easy 4 miles with pickups. Taper week for Rocket City.
Tuesday: 4 miles (9:05), 1 mile (9:37). 2 mile warmup, then 2 miles of 0:30 strides + 2:30 at 8:40-8:50. 1 mile cooldown. Felt good to get a couple fast miles in. All easy running now until Rocket City Marathon on Saturday.
Wednesday: 5 miles (9:23). Nice and easy. Everything feels fine, so it is all systems GO for Saturday.
Thursday: 3 miles (9:25). Keeping it easy.
Friday: 2 miles (9:49). Easy miles in Huntsville.
Saturday: 26.51 miles (9:13). Rocket City Marathon. It was pretty cold at the start, just over 25 degrees. I ran well the first 15 miles, almost hitting 8:42 on every mile. But then the wheels started to fall off on mile 16. And then I started taking some walk breaks beginning with mile 20 before running the last couple miles in to finish at 4:04:16. Wasn't what I was hoping for, but I made a couple mistakes during the last month of training. I got all excited about running a couple half marathons in 1:49 and 1:55, however, I cut short the two 20 mile long runs that were planned for November 19 and 26. Those runs were more important than the 10 mile workouts that had a warmup/cooldown to reach a half marathon. So the focus for this next training cycle is to make sure I get in those long runs when they are planned. And I really need to do them at the crack of dawn. When it sit around the house until 10 or 11 AM, the odds of getting in a 20 mile long run diminishes. So I know where to put my focus in 2018.
Sunday: 1 miles (10:20). Flew to Charlotte Saturday night for the Vikings game and did one mile on the treadmill in the morning to extend the running streak to 1060 days.
Total Miles: 46.5 miles.
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