Tuesday: 6 miles (9:22). Hill blasts.
Wednesday: 4 miles (9:22), 2 miles (9:01). Second run was to test out my new Newton Distance Elite. They felt pretty good.
Thursday: 6.93 miles (8:46), 1.58 miles (9:21). Medium paced effort on the Boomer Route in 85 degree temperatures. Got sick at the top of Saundersville Road, stopped and walked some and then jogged the last 1.58 miles back to Station Camp. It's going to be a long summer of training in the heat.
Friday: 6 miles (9:17).
Saturday: 6 miles (9:10). Ran at 3:30 in the afternoon when it was 86. I was intending to run 12 miles, but the heat started getting to me after a few miles, so I moved the 12 mile run to Sunday.
Sunday: 12 miles (9:22). I managed to get an early 6:40 AM start, but it was pretty humid and already up to 70 degrees when I finished.
Total miles: 49.5 miles. Overall, a pretty warm week for early May. I went over the 1000 mile mark for 2015 on Sunday and am 7 days away from beating my longest run streak of 121 days. Going to be heading to the Go Johnny Go 10K next Saturday in Lebanon, TN.
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