Tuesday: 7 miles (9:17). Included 6 10 second hill blasts.
Wednesday: 2 miles (9:21), 4 miles (8:11), 1 mile (9:22). After a 2 mile warm up, 8 x (400m@1:45 + 400m jog) at the HHS Track.
Thursday: 8 miles (9:23).
Friday: 5 miles (9:20). Included 4 30-second strides.
Saturday: 1 mile (9:29), 6.2 miles (7:55), 4 miles (9:13). Ran the Go Johnny Go 10K in Lebanon in a time of 48:59. Course measured 6.3-6.31, which means I really ran around a 7:46 pace. It was a tough hilly course. The wheels fell off on the 3rd mile with a 108 foot elevation gain. But it was good enough for the age group win and my first ever cash prize. Woo Hoo!
Sunday: 6 miles (9:26), 4 miles (9:30). My running streak reached 122 days, which beats my previous longest streak of 121 days (2/21/2014-6/21/2014). I was averaging 8.6 miles before starting the Boston taper and mileage has dropped since then.
Total miles: 55.2. Should start increasing the weekly miles now that I've had a 4 weeks to recover from the Boston Marathon. Feeling like I am finally 100% healthy this year. Have a 15K race set for Memorial Day which will be tough due to the warm humid weather that will most likely be present. After that, a half marathon in Chicago on June 6th.
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