Monday, October 24, 2016

October 17 - October 24 Training

Going to be a warm start to the week.  Really frustrating to get this warm weather continuing this far into October.

Monday: 5 miles (9:59).  Quads were sore today.  I don't recall having sore quads in the past from a treadmill run.
Tuesday: 7 miles (9:34).  Easy miles with pickups in another hot afternoon.
Wednesday: 8 miles (9:08).  Wow, 91 degrees this afternoon and still 86 when I reached Station Camp at 4:40 PM.  2 mile warmup, then 10 x (2:00 on/2:00 off).  Ran the fast intervals at just under a 7:45 pace.  It felt like more work than it should and made me wonder how in the heck did I ever run a marathon at a 7:53 pace?  Will I ever get back to that speed?  If it doesn't happen in London this spring, it never will.
Thursday: 8 miles (9:08).  Easy treadmill run with the rain and hail out there today.  Ran a progression from 6.3 mph (9:31) to 6.7 mph (8:57).
Friday: 13.1 miles (9:21).  With another weekend trip, I put some extra miles in today by running 3 Baby Station Camp Loops.
Saturday: 4 miles (9:52).  7:30 AM flight to Philadelphia, followed by some sightseeing and a nice lunch with wine in downtown Philly.  I did manage a short run in the Navy Yard.  Low 50's and very windy out.
Sunday: 4 miles (9:16).  Just a short run again today before heading to the Vikings - Eagles game at Lincoln Financial Field.  Felt very old, cold, and achy to start with the first mile being 10:13.  So I pushed the last 3 miles all under sub 9.  Might take some time to get used to running in the cooler weather after such a warm fall in Hendersonville.

Total Miles: 49.1 miles.  Not the volume you would want two weeks before the New York City Marathon.  But I am just going to run NYC to have fun and it will be over 4 hours.  But I am going to enjoy the streets of New York.

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