Sunday, February 28, 2016

February 22 - February 28 Training

Monday: 7 miles (9:21), 5 miles (9:15).  About a 1 hour break between runs.  Brixx night.
Tuesday: 2 miles (9:36), 10 miles (7:54), 1 mile (9:51). 2 Mile Warmup, 10 x (1/2@8:05 + 1/2@7:45).  Took me about 1.5-2 miles to get into the faster pace and by the second half most of the slower intervals were under 8:00.  Really good run considering I had run 42 miles the previous 3 days, so it was not done with fresh legs.
Wednesday: 10 miles (9:22).  Treadmill due to rain and cold.  Didn't feel soreness from yesterday's hard run, so that is a good sign that legs are recovering quickly.
Thursday: 10 miles (9:36).  At least I was able to get outside for this run.  40 degrees didn't feel too bad out there, just a few sprinkles.
Friday: 3 miles (9:23), 5.18 miles (7:44), 2 miles (8:57).  3 Mile Warmup, 20 x (1:00@7:15 + 1:00@7:45), 2 Mile Cooldown.  On the intervals, it took me about 5-6 to consistently be able to hit the 7:15 pace or lower, but then I got faster as I went further into the workouts.  Last six fast intervals at 6:42, 6:52, 6:54, 6:49, 6:39, 6:38 and the slower intervals were closer to 8:30.  Cooldown was going nice and easy until I ran into Dolan and finished the second cooldown mile at 8:37.
Saturday: 20 miles (8:34).  Started with a progression towards my 3:35 BQ pace of 8:05-8:10, but started to struggle after 13 miles with a reverse progression.  Ran faster than I should have considering I was coming off hard workout yesterday and Tuesday. 
Sunday: 6 miles (9:25), 4.11 miles (9:37).  Woke up at 5:30 and decided to go join the Starbucks 6@6 group.  A rare early run for me. 40 degrees wasn't too bad out there.  Today's weigh in has me at 2 pounds below my BQ weight.  Hoping to lose 4-5 more pounds before Paris so I can go in as a lean, clean, fighting machine.  Very easy second run later in the morning.

Total Miles: 85.3.  A strong week with two good workouts on Tuesday and Friday.  Ran a bit too fast on the long run Sunday and ended the week with 85.3 miles, which is the second most I have ever logged in one week. The only time I logged more was when I ran the Tunnel Hill 50 miler and ran 9 miles the day after to get my first ever 100 mile week.  So training wise, the was the most training miles ever in one week. 

This next Saturday is the Tom King Half Marathon. It's hard to know exactly where I am at condition wise.  I feel I'm not quite in PR shape, but should have a shot at getting under 1:40, which I have only done twice.  The key is to keep some control on the first half and then hammer down the second half and get back to my old racing ways of negative splits.  We'll know in 6 days.

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