Monday: 3 miles (9:36), 5.01 miles (9:32).
Tuesday: 3 miles (9:28), 5.01 miles (9:24). 10x Hill Blasts on the second run.
Wednesday: 2 miles (9:08), 6.5 miles (8:00), 1 miles (9:58); 3 miles (9:26). Morning - 2 mile warm up, 4 miles @7:30-7:40, 1/2 mile jog, 4 x (400m sub 1:45 + 400m jog), 1 mile cool down. Ran the track workout at HHS. Still miserable out even at 6 AM! Evening - Easy 4.
Thursday: 6 miles (9:44). Legs were stiff Thursday morning, no speed.
Friday: 4 miles (9:41), 4 miles (9:23).
Saturday: 16 miles (9:25). Didn't get started until 10:25 AM due to the weather. Felt good the first 10-12 miles, but then it started warming up and got tougher.
Sunday: 6 miles (9:21), 4.3 miles (9:34).
Total Miles: 71.8 Miles. It's warming up outside, so training is getting tougher. Had a good track workout this week, so that was encouraging. Training will continue to get tougher as the Berlin Marathon training starts to develop. 4 weeks until the Napa to Sonoma half marathon.
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