Tuesday: 9.5 miles (8:39). Due to the temperatures outside, ran the tempo run on the treadmill. 2 mile warmup, 2 miles @ sub 7:30, 1/2 mile easy, 1 mile @ sub 7:15, 1/2 mile easy, 1/2 mile @ sub 7:00, 1/4 mile easy, 1/2 mile @ sub 7:00, 1/4 mile easy, 2 mile cool down.
Wednesday: 10 miles (9:31).
Thursday: 3 miles (9:47), 5 miles (9:26).
Friday: 4.2 miles (9:35), 5 miles (9:26).
Saturday: 8.6 miles (8:57). 3 mile warmup, 4 x (.3 miles hard up Bison way + .3 miles easy down Bison Way), 2 x (.3 miles easy up Bison way + .3 miles hard down Bison Way), 2 mile cool down. Set PR's on Bison Way with the uphill at 2:00 (6:48 pace) and downhill at 1:52 (6:01 pace).
Sunday: 18 miles (8:44). Super weather this morning, started at 4:19 AM! Fast finish the last 3 miles at 7:50, 7:49, 7:39.
On Saturday, my run streak matched Rodney Bice's 163 day streak and I set it up so it exactly tied Rodney's 1406.6 mile total for the same streak. But Sunday it went to 164.
Total miles: 73.3 miles. A good solid week of training with a really good long run on Sunday.