Monday: 8 miles (8:39), 3 miles (8:53). Came down with cold symptoms late yesterday afternoon and was on Dayquil all day. Legs were pretty tired at Brixx for the second run, only about 1 hour between runs.
Tuesday: 3 miles (9:38). Long day on Dayquil with a cold, so just ran 3 very easy miles in the rain.
Wednesday: 3 miles (8:59), 4.2 miles (8:06), 3 miles (8:53). I felt pretty good on the 3 mile warmup at Drakes Creek Park and then ran 1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2-1 intervals with equal recovery. Goal was sub 7:30 on the 1 minute intervals and sub 8:00 on the 3 minute ones with recovery at sub 9:00. Averaged 7:32 on the fast intervals. Cold is much better, so I am on the road to recovery .. I hope.
Thursday: 9 miles (8:52). Ran the Station Camp Loop and then added some more miles on Lower Station Camp. Garmin gave me my highest VO2 max of the year at 49 after giving me an initial rating of 44 when I started wearing the heart rate monitor in January. So my fitness is improving.
Friday: 8 miles (8:53). Easy miles at Drakes Creek Park.
Saturday: 2.31 miles (9:37), 4.53 miles (8:35), 1 mile (9:59). The day started with a Group prayer and run for Charlie Taylor who had been battling cancer the last few years. Later in the morning Charlie passed away and the running community lost a great friend and a true inspiration. Just look at how large of a group showed up for Charlie.
On Saturday afternoon, I then went to do some Bison Way hill repeats. Two up and two down. My goal was to hit the PR in both directions on the Strava Segment. On the first uphill, I beat my old PR by 3 seconds and it felt pretty good. I was pretty tired on the second uphill segment. Then on the two downhill repeats, I PR'd on both of them. The first one was at 1:42 and the second one at 1:40, both beating my old PR of 1:44. The segment is .3 miles. I also got a 400m PR on the downhill with a time of 1:24.
Sunday: 20 miles (9:24). Easy paced long run at Shelby Bottoms and also to Nissan Stadium. Started way too late at 10:42 AM. It was 59 at the start, but once that sun came out it warmed to 68 by the time I was done. My first outdoor 20 mile run that wasn't a marathon since May 22nd last year. The others since then all involved the treadmill. I was going to run 21, but my right knee started bothering me after 19.8 miles. So I knew better than to force that. Still not 100% over my cold, but much better today.
Total Miles: 69 miles. I did well to get 69 miles in this week considering I was sick most of the week and was never 100% healthy.
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