Monday, July 27, 2015

July 20 to July 26 Training

Monday: 5 miles (9:50).  Last run in Sonoma.
Tuesday: 2 miles (9:30).  Almost lost my running streak.  Left the Sonoma hotel at 6 AM and didn't get home until just before 11:30 PM due to a 4+ hour flight delay.  The SFO to Denver flight ended up landing in Omaha due to storms, before finally heading to Denver and then to Nashville.  Ran a quick 2 miler on the treadmill at 11:30 PM to save the run streak at 187.
Wednesday: 8 miles (9:26).  Felt more back/breathing issues like I have a chest cold.  I didn't feel that in California, so maybe something in the air in Tennessee that is bothering me.
Thursday: 3 miles (9:04), 3 miles (9:20), 4.38 miles (8:17), 2 miles (9:50).  After a 3 mile warm up in the evening, ran 8 x (3:00 on/1:30 off) intervals.
Friday: 3 miles (9:16), 7 miles (9:25).
Saturday: 18 miles (9:19).  Early 4:40 AM start.  I was feeling pretty good, but turned sluggish in the 14th mile.  Originally had planned to run 20 miles.
Sunday: 6 miles (9:10).

Total miles: 61.4 miles.  A lower than anticipated volume for the week, but missed most of my miles for Tuesday and cut the long run short.  Time to take it up a level next week.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

July 13 - July 19 Training

Monday: 4 miles (9:13), 3.62 miles (8:56), 1.5 miles (9:27).
Tuesday: 4 miles (9:23), 4 miles (9:23), 3 miles (9:34).  Felt like I was having some back/breathing issues, not sure if related.
Wednesday: 3 miles (9:04), 4.37 miles (8:21), 2.35 miles (9:35).  After a 3 mile warmup, ran 12 x (1:30 on/off) with the fast portion around 7:15 pace.
Thursday: 3 miles (9:24).  Short run before traveling to Sonoma, CA.
Friday: 6 miles (9:33).  Ran the last 4 miles with a group from Marathon Tours.
Saturday: 4 miles (9:29).
Sunday: 1.15 miles (9:23), 13.1 miles (8:01).  Ran the Napa to Sonoma half marathon.  Ran too fast on the first mile with the big hill and never really recovered to finish in 1:44:52.  It was a little warmer than expected, but I should have been faster.  A bit of a disappoinment and targeting the PR at this race all year.

Total miles: 53.1.  A low mileage week with the taper for the race.  I also missed some miles when I cut the short run on Tuesday with back and breathing issues and it took too long to get to Sonoma on Thursday so I missed a second run.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 6 to July 12 Training

Monday: 3 miles (9:09), 5 miles (8:54).
Tuesday: 3 miles (9:05), 7 miles (9:08).  8 x hill blasts on the second run.  Was going to do 10, but a storm was brewing and I ran briskly towards the car.
Wednesday: 10 miles (8:14). With temps at 90 + 75 DP, ran my tempo run on the treadmill.  3 miles @ 7.0 mph (8:35), 3 miles @ 7.4 mph (8:07), 3 miles @ 7.9 mph (7:36), 1 mile @ 6.4 mph (9:23).

Thursday: 4 miles (9:20), 5 miles (9:12).  Forgot the GPS on the first run, felt relaxed not to have a watch to stare at.
Friday: 3 miles (9:03), 2 miles (8:55), 4.55 miles (7:55), 1 mile (9:22). For the evening run, I did a 2 mile warm up at Station Camp but then the lighting and storms were rolling in so I went home to do the intervals on the Treadmill.  12 x (1:30 at 5K+ effort + 1:30 easy).  Started the fast intervals at 8.6 mph (6:58) and progressively went faster after each 4 and did the last one at 9.0 mph (6:40).  1 mile cool down.

Saturday: 4 miles (9:28), 4 miles (9:15).  Very HOT out for the second run.
Sunday: 18 miles (8:39). Took the Benadryl too late on Saturday night and couldn't get myself up until 7:30 AM.  By then, it was too warm outside to perform an 18 mile progression run, so I ran it on the Treadmill while watching the 2014 NYC Marathon.  Started the first 3 miles at 6.7 mph (8:57) and added .1 mph after each 3 miles with the last 3 miles at 7.2 mph (8:20).

Two 9 mile sessions for the long run:

Total Miles: 73.6 miles (8:50).  This was my fastest training week since last summer, so fitness continues to improve.  Heading to Napa/Sonoma on Thursday morning and looking forward to the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon on Sunday.  With favorable temperatures, I'm hoping to know out that old PR of 1:38:46.