Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 23 - 29 Training

Monday: 3 miles (9:38), 6 miles (9:30).
Tuesday: 10 miles (9:01). 3 mile warm up, 10 x 2:00 on/off, 2 mile cool down.  Averaged 6:55 pace on the fast intervals.  Felt pretty good on all of them for the full two minutes.
Wednesday: 3 miles (9:46), 5 miles (9:43).  Nice and slow.
Thursday: 9 miles (8:34). 2 Mile Warm up, 3.75 miles on Lower Station Camp @ 7:45, Hard up/down Bison Way (7:25), 2.32 Mile Cool Down.  Felt good on Lower Station Camp.
Friday: 9 miles (9:43).
Saturday: 5 miles (9:33), 5 miles (9:22).
Sunday: 20 miles (8:49).  Did some 5 mile progressions (8:59, 8:44, 8:36, 8:57) but slowed on the last few miles.  Left foot extensor was bothering me today, especially the last few miles and any type of uphill.

Total miles75 miles. Biggest volume week since mid-August.  Still dealing with some issues on the left extensor. The tempo run felt great on Thursday.  Still have time to improve fitness and I should be ready for Boston in 22 days.

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 16 - 22 Training

Monday: 2 miles (9:26), 4 miles (9:21).
Tuesday: 6 miles (9:27), 3 miles (9:25).
Wednesday: 13.1 miles (8:24). Two mile warmup followed by a 10 mile tempo progression from 8:15 to 8:00, 1.1 mile cool down to make it a 1:49:49 half marathon.
Thursday: 8 miles (9:22).
Friday: 6 miles (9:38).
Saturday: 20 miles (8:53). A tough hilly route from White House HS to Station Camp HS.  A good group from HRC ran this, some heading straight to SCHS when we reached Long Hollow.

Sunday: 4 miles (9:42), 4 miles (9:39).

Total miles: 70.1 miles.  A pretty good week considering I'm dealing with extensor tendinitis.  I had dry needling on Thursday and will have it again on Tuesday.